Quarterly Member Update & Information Resource

Below are some helpful links and information that can be used to share internally with your teams. You will receive an email update once a quarter, ever the links to member portal creation, research content and website links will remain the same. If you have any issues with the below links or information, please connect with your member manager or email membership@ceda.com.au

CEDA’s purpose:

Improving the lives of Australians by enabling a dynamic economy and vibrant society.

In 2022, CEDA is focused on tackling five critical questions. This is the foundation of CEDA research and overall programming. 

•    How can Australia develop and grow a more dynamic economy?

•    How can we build vibrant Australian communities?

•    How can Australia develop leading workforces and workplaces?

•    How can Australia leverage the benefits of technology?

•    How can Australia achieve climate resilience and regain our energy advantage?

Follow the conversation

Stay up to date by visiting CEDA’s website www.ceda.com.au or following CEDA on social media.






Member Portal

CEDA recently completed an update to our member portal and company CRM. Below are some useful links on how to create a member employee account, register for an event and update your areas of interest to receive the most up to date content in your inbox. 

We have provided both PDF visuals and video tutorials for your reference.

•    How To Sign In [PDF 653 KB]

•    Register for event [PDF 724 KB] 

•    Reset Password [PDF 275 KB] 

YouTube Videos

•    Login Tutorial

•    How to register for events

Research Agenda 2022