CEDA regularly publishes opinion articles that support debate and discussion on key policy issues. For information on the topics that CEDA is currently focusing on click here.
Who can contribute:
CEDA welcomes contributions from individuals who are interested in encouraging constructive debate.
All articles are published under the author’s name and include their professional details where applicable.
Contribution Guidelines:
Articles should be approximately 800 words in length and be written in an engaging op-ed style. Pieces should be written for a general audience interested in policy that affects the lives of Australians.
We prioritise contributions that:
Articles are accepted on the basis that they will be edited according to CEDA style and to fit the length requirements. Article titles may be adjusted for clarity and length, and CEDA has the final say on all published content.
How to make a contribution:
Please review our website Terms of Use before submitting your article. Submission of your article constitutes acceptance of these Terms.
Send the article along with a short bio and headshot to communications@ceda.com.au
If you’d like to discuss your contribution before submitting, please contact Grace Dobell, Content & Publications Advisor at grace.dobell@ceda.com.au