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CEDA's Top 10 Speeches 2014

Collections of the most influential and interesting speeches from the CEDA platform.

CEDA's Top 10 Speeches for 2014

CEDA's Top 10 Speeches for 2014, in chronological order, are as follows:

Financial System Inquiry: Supporting Australia's economic growth – Part 1 – David Murray AO, Chair, Financial System Inquiry   

Perspectives on women in leadership – Her Excellency Professor the Hon. Dame Marie Bashir AD CVO, Former Governor of New South Wales

Competitiveness of the Australian gas industryThe Hon. Martin Ferguson AM, Chair, APPEA Advisory Board 

State of the Nation addressThe Hon. Tony Abbott, Prime Minister of Australia

Promises and pitfalls of autonomous systemsProfessor Mary Cummings, Director, Humans and Autonomy Laboratory, Duke University

The role of the G20 in taxation regulationProfessor Kerrie Sadiq, School of Accountancy, Queensland University of Technology Business School 

Northern Australia: Policy for prosperity Steve Johnston, Group Chief Financial Officer, Suncorp

The reform of the FederationThe Hon. Nick Greiner AC, Former Premier NSW; Governor, CEDA

Economic possibilitiesGlenn Stevens, Governor, Reserve Bank of Australia

Financial System Inquiry: Supporting Australia's economic growth – Part 2David Murray AO, Chair, Financial System Inquiry   

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