
Renewables and efficiency

Released in May 2012, Renewables and Efficiency, is the second of three publications in the Australia's Energy Options series. It discusses options for assessing the viability of renewables, possible energy sector models to increase efficiency and policy options for renewables.

CEDA has chosen to examine renewables and efficiency because both are vital if Australia is to transition to a low carbon emissions energy future at the potential cost of billions of dollars. If we don't get this right it will have significant economic, social and environmental costs for Australians.However, significant uncertainty surrounds what are the best energy policies to pursue, with debate often marred by vested interests.

This policy perspective draws together experts to examine:

  • The key considerations that need to underpin good energy policy decisions, including environmental, social and economic factors;
  • Policy options to mitigate market barriers and failures;
  • A methodology to model options to better predict the viability of emerging technologies, providing a means to quantify the value of different policy interventions; and
  • The importance of, and options for, improving energy efficiency, including changes to the structure of our energy market. 
Read and download: Renewables and Efficiency

Chapters and authors

Chapter 1
Making renewable energy sustainable

Paul Hardisty, Global Director of Sustainability & EcoNomics™ for WorleyParsons, discusses the importance of making objective energy policy decisions that take into consideration environmental, social and economic factors.
Chapter 2
Policy - the drug of choice for renewables

Tony Wood, Program Director, Energy, at the Grattan Institute, reviews current government policies to support renewables and explores policy options for sustainably integrating renewables into the Australian energy mix.
Chapter 3
Financial uncertainty of technological change

John Burgess, Principal, Niche Tasks, discusses an alternative model to evaluate the viability of emerging technologies.
Chpater 4
The outlook for energy: A view to 2040

John Dashwood, Chairman of ExxonMobil Australia, describes the importance of energy efficiency to meeting the world's future energy demand.

Chapter 5
Dealing with peak demand: The potential of an energy services model

Andrew Pickford, Managing Director, ISSA Indo-Pacific, discusses options for transitioning the energy market structure from one based on energy as a commodity toone based on providing an energy service.


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