
Energex, Ergon and Powerlink not for sale: Qld Premier

Key public energy companies will not be sold but other assets including infrastructure will be considered for privatisation, Queensland Premier Campbell Newman has told CEDA’s annual State of the State audience in Brisbane.

"Energex, Ergon and Powerlink despite what you're hearing from unions are not for sale," he said.

"We won't betray the people of Queensland like the other mob did by way of selling assets without a mandate."

However, Mr Newman did say the Government will explore the possibility of selling other parts of the state's asset portfolio for example electrical poles, wires and generators.

"We have made it clear in response to the Commission of Audit there is potential to look at some other key parts of Queensland's asset portfolios," he said.

"We have for example agreed to give further consideration on the sale of electricity generators."

On the topic of privatisation, Mr Newman said there also remains questions about how to best manage Townsville and Gladstone ports.

"Perhaps there is scope to look at long-term leave, to divest the government of responsibility, injecting billions of dollars into the budget and savings hundreds of millions in operating costs," he said.

Mr Newman also outlined Queensland's economic position and the Government's vision for the future.

The state continues to outgrow the national economy as construction activity and retail spending increases, he said.

On the subject of foreign investment, Mr Newman said in the last year, 64 countries have invested $1.8 billion in Queensland property.

"People overseas are beginning to see Queensland as a pretty safe bet," he said.

Speaking about his vision for the future of Queensland, Mr Newman said the state will be the most thriving and robust economy in the country.

"We envisage a Queensland with a myriad of lifestyle and job opportunities for young school leavers," he said.

He also said the government is committed to services, but that it must rethink how some of these are delivered to the public.

"We're 100 per cent committed to building the best, free public hospital system in the nation," he said.

"But we make no secret of the fact that we have engaged the private sector to achieve our goal."

CEDA members can access full presentations and audio from speakers here.

Media Coverage


Campbell Newman reignites debate on public asset sales
Yahoo 7
Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Campbell Newman mulls over asset sales to pay down debt story
The Courier Mail
Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Campbell Newman paints more positive picture
of Queensland economy

The Brisbane Times
Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Newman moves towards leasing ports
Sky News 
Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Newman tells of vision for Queensland
Sunshine Coast Daily
Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Premier Campbell Newman flags Queensland asset sell-off
after election

The Australian
Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Premier states his case
Queensland Times
Gladstone Observer
Morning Bulletin
Daily Mercury

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Qld's Newman prepares voters for asset sales
The Australian Financial Review
Wednesday, 4 December 2013



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